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Wanting to learn how to get better at drawing and give your sketching purpose? Welcome to the most addictive drawing game ever! I’m excited to release this to all of the artists wanting to draw more, challenge themselves, and become a better artist. Aside from drawing more, the Canon of Design drawing game will introduce you to inspiring painters, photographers, sculptors, cinema and more! You’ll also learn composition and design techniques, learn dynamic symmetry, and Gestalt psychology principles.

Download it for FREE, share it with your artistic friends, and even challenge each other! There are game rules to guide you, points to be earned, and knowledge to be absorbed. Let this exciting drawing game lead you down an exciting path that will help you surpass your plateau and open up the doors to the master level!


This first file is a high resolution copy. It’s a zipped file, and can be opened easily on your computer.
Drawing Game High Res (5306 downloads )
This second file is a low resolution copy and is meant to easily be opened on mobile devices.
Drawing Game Mobile (4161 downloads )


Check out this video where I walk you through the game, share my drawings, and demonstrate gameplay.


If you are an experienced artist and would like to submit your art for the drawing game please email me at [email protected]

Please let me know which subject number you are submitting for.

All genres of art will be considered…photography, painting, sculpting, drawing, digital, cinema, etc. What I’m looking for is nice lighting, design, composition, and execution. Not all work will be accepted, but any submissions will be considered (for a limited time).

Any art accepted will be linked back to your online portfolio.

Best of all, thousands of artists will be drawing your beautiful work! What an honor!


There are quite a lot of art books out there, but I’ve listed some of my faves within the PDF. I’ve even listed some of the best instructors that I know of. There’s also a bunch of drawing tips that you may want to check out!



The subjects and categories were hand selected to give you an all around feel for many different styles, and technical aspects. From figure drawing, to hands, draped fabric, animals, trees, and structures…all of these will build your visual library and give you a great base for drawing an original piece on your own some day.

All of the images are copyright protected and belong to the credited artist. 


Here’s the complete list of subjects seen in the PDF and they correlate with the numbers you roll on the dice.


As you draw, you can keep track of your progress by noting the date, your points, the subject, dynamic symmetry grid, drawing utensil, and other tools you used.

Minutes/Points: (+10x or +50x for extra points, +x2 for double points)
Points Total: (add previous points to today):
Subject Number:
Drawing Utensil:
Drawing Technique:
Design Emphasis:
Dynamic Symmetry Grid:


This is an example of my first drawing of the game. It was the first time I had ever drawn a leopard, so I selected the square section (great when you have less time, or less confidence in your skills). I was out of my comfort zone for sure (I’m a photographer), but this is a good thing because I want to learn to get better at drawing.


This is an example of my second drawing in the game, which is a surreal photo by Alex Stoddard. I’m still earning points here, getting ready to unlock a new section (drawing utensil). I see the errors I have made, but these early drawings will be used as stepping stones to better ones…a necessary process for every artist.

To get me out of my drawing dry spell, I drew 10 minutes at a time to build some tiny habits (see #382). Instead of thinking in my head that I had to draw 40 minutes, I just kept adding 10 minutes at a time. It works…my drawing duration continues to increase. This game is seriously addictive and fun!


This is the third subject that I rolled, which is an amazing illustration by Syd Mead. You can see that I’m still using my favorite drawing utensil (graphite) and earning many points. I’m also still drawing 10 minutes at a time, but longer and longer each time. The “10x” refers to extra points I earned for drawing in consecutive days.


By the time I did this fourth drawing, I had earned enough points (0ver 500) to unlock a new section…the drawing utensil section. This adds another dice to my roll, and I rolled “Conte.” I blocked it in with graphite, then finished it with Conte. I had never drawn a bat before, but it was so much fun! The technical aspects like shading and proportions will come over time. But for now…guess what? I’m drawing way more, and that’s a good feeling!


Ok, here’s the fifth image I drew from the game…a VCR from the 80’s. As you work through the game and learn to add these technical drawing elements with organic elements, you begin to gain the power to create something quite unique.



To keep you heading in the right direction, I’ve included small thumbnails of each drawing technique (more in the PDF). The last thing I want to do is overwhelm you with too many techniques and options, that’s why sections unlock over time, and there are many examples to help.



Ah yes, the rules. No game is complete without a set of rules! No worries though, these guide you through the game, and give you plenty of chances to earn extra points. These may change over time, but this will give you an overview.


You can win the game too! Earn 65,000 points, submit a flip-through video, and you can be entered into the Wall of Fame…forever! This will be included in the PDF for all of the artists to see. You’ll also get emailed a signed certificate of achievement from the Canon of Design!



Every artist should have the ultimate goal of being original, but not all of us know how to get to that point. In the PDF, you’ll gain this knowledge and be guided towards creating your own unique masterpiece.



You know, they say that you’re not an artist if you don’t share your art. You could be sitting in the basement creating masterpiece after masterpiece, but if no one knows about it, then you’ll be seen and labeled by your current profession. If you’re a grocery store clerk, that shares their art with the world, then people will see you for being the artist you are.



The principles of visual perception (Gestalt psychology) are super powerful! If you don’t know and understand it, then you will have a hard time communicating clearly to the viewer. You won’t be able to create wanted illusions, and avoid bad ones. You won’t be able to create unity, movement, visual impact, visual tension, nice balance, and more. Sure, you could stumble upon success, but why not be aware of these powerful techniques. In the PDF you’ll get a nice overview of all of the Gestalt psychology techniques you can use in your art.



Dynamic symmetry is a great tool to use when wanting to organize your composition and create unity, movement and rhythm. The masters used these grids and so can you! I’ve included 12 printable dynamic symmetry grids, sized to a sketchbook, to help you out with drawing.

Dynamic Symmetry grids included: Square, Root 2, Root 3, Root 4, Root 5, Root 6, Root 9, M43, 1.5, Phi, Root Phi



To show you how the masters used these Gestalt psychology principles and dynamic symmetry grids, the PDF has an analyzed painting of William-Adolphe Bouguereau!



This PDF is absolutely free and created to help spread these techniques across the world. If you love this game, or the techniques defined within it, please share. That would help change the future of art!

If you’re an experienced artist, please record the way you would draw the subject and share it on YouTube, or post it in the Drawing Game Facebook Group. This would benefit all of the players of the game. Thank you so much for checking out this Canon of Design drawing game!