Couch Potato or Master Painter

There’s a few activities you can do when you have completely no energy. You’re back from a long 12 hour shift, your brain is mush, what can you possibly do? Well, it just so happens that there are all kinds of things to do. Watch TV, check your Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, or Instagram, watch an action movie…basically anything that might possibly define a couch potato. This is fine, you had a long day…by all means, relax.
But now it’s your day off, you had a great night of sleep, you’re energized and ready for your day….why are you still watching TV, checking your social media, or watching the newest mind-numbing action flick? Catch up on all that junk when you have no other choice. Now is the time to bust out your art! Pull out the easel, the drawing pad, the camera, the clay, the writing pencil…start creating! Your art is what will matter in the end, not how much you update your status or how many likes you got on your most recent post. My mind turns into mush just like everyone else’s (in fact, I’m writing this after a long stressful work day), but I’m constantly ensuring I spend my free time in a positive way. Recently, I’ve learned that drawing or making music keeps me focused and awake when I’m feeling tired, so I have those to fall back on instead of Netflix or Youtube videos.
Da Vinci probably even had days where he had to relax his mind, but after his brain nap, he was back at it…drawing, painting; creating masterpieces for all of us to enjoy. There were no couch potatoes allowed in his neck of the woods! Always be in control of where you focus your energy, and create the masterpiece you’ve been neglecting all this time.