Edgar Degas Quote #2

We’ve got a great quote by Degas today! As I’ve mentioned in the past, these quotes are great for inspiration. They give us a deeper look inside the mind of a passionate artist who strived to share their art with the world.

“One must do the same subject over again ten times, a hundred times. In art nothing must resemble an accident, not even movement.”
This is the same for most arts. You have to keep practicing and repeating skills to acquire the confidence and knowledge which will be reflected in your work. Degas was known for his paintings of ballerinas and women in their private settings. He did this so much that he could probably paint in his sleep. He knew his subject. He knew design. His muscle memory was developed and he could easily compose a masterpiece as if he were riding a bike.

Keep practicing your techniques! If you’re a photographer without a camera, use your phone and try to incorporate design. Always be aware and conscious of this and it will begin to develop your muscle memory. This way, when you are ready for your shoot, the creativity will flow much easier because the techniques will be further engrained into your mind. If you’re a painter, include design in your sketches (see Day 270). Eventually it will be as Degas says, “nothing will resemble an accident, not even movement.”