Seven d' Six Electronic Music
If you were to ask the one thing that sent me down the path of design it would be music. Back in 2001 the Sony Playstation 2 made available a game called “Music Generator 2.” It was pretty fun to mess around with, even though I wasn’t trained musically. My friend was making some cool electronic music inspired by movie soundtracks, so that inspired me to get the game and try it for myself. It wasn’t until later that I learned I could connect the RCA cables from the Playstation to a CD burner (new technology back then) and record the music. Knowing this made me take it more seriously and lead me down the path to create my very own music CD.
Once I had five descent tracks I tried to make a CD cover in Microsoft paint and it just didn’t work as I envisioned. I had no idea how to design it and the software was garbage. This lead me to pursuing graphic design in College. I learned Photoshop and many other nesessary skills to finally, once and for all design my first album cover. It was horrible, but pretty good for back then. For one cover I used a film photo I took with a wind up camera (before digital was available). I was lucky enough to see a burning house with the firefighters casting a rainbow of mist over it. One of my favorite pics!
Many years passed. I enjoyed the graphic design, and kept making music. Eventually I made a total of seven albums and tons of unreleased music. Most of it can be found on iTunes and heard in the educational videos I make on Youtube. I’ve performed LIVE in Las Vegas and Hawaii. Nothing too crazy though. It was mostly little bars that offered zero compensation. Although, I did get paid with a 12 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon once. I wasn’t much of a beer drinker, so I gave it to my other musician friend. Most artists would greatly appreciate any monetary compensation, but we all know it’s not about that. It’s about releasing whatever energy is inside and sharing it with others. Performing LIVE was extremely nerve-racking, but I did it many times.
Here’s a funny little trailer I made back when I was still looking to perform. Nowadays you’ll find me painting and drawing more than anything. Anyway, now that you know a little more about my music, I hope you can enjoy some of the other creative outlets I have. Writing being the number one, which took me by surprise…and inevitably lead to the content on this site.