What Makes a Painting Valuable?

Today we have a quick and interesting video about why certain paintings sell for so much. You would think it’s about the actual painting, but for the super rich it seems to be all about bragging rights and a thing called “provenance“. It’s one of those snooty sounding words that seems to only roll off the tongue of the wealthy. To me, it’s disappointing that the paintings shown in this video are not appreciated as they should be and are merely tokens of wealth. Either way, it’s interesting to know why they are sold for so much and will possibly introduce some works that you’ve never seen before.
Peter Paul Rubens
See the story HERE.
Claude Monet
Vincent Willem van Gogh
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Francis Bacon
Gustav Klimt
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso
I absolutely love the one by Rubens and I’m glad I was made aware of it from this video. He’s such an amazing designer and always creates such drama. Do you have a favorite amongst these 10? Why do you like it more than the others?
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