World Desensitization

There is an epidemic going on. We are becoming desensitized and it will surely have a huge impact on our future. The first time I heard this word was around 2001 when my friend Eric told me that he was desensitized from watching so many gory movies. To me, this is perfectly ok. Similar to putting a shell up after too many heart breaks. So yes, it has it’s purposes…but the other stuff…the stuff I list below? Well, I’ll let you guys decide for yourself.
This might be a rant of sorts, but I just want others to be aware of what I’m observing. I know I can’t be the only one. And yes, this does affect your art, so just bear with me. Here, allow me to dump it all in your lap:
Ok, maybe I’m being a bit too pessimistic. You’re right, I am. I try to ignore all of the craziness that’s happening around me. Seriously, who needs it. It’s time to take a step back and realize what’s important. I’m not a hypocrite, but I’m also not an addict of consumerism, TV, porn, or pills. I’m relaxed, chill, easy going, but I’m not ignorant of what’s going on around me. I can see the changes and it almost seems that we are spinning out of control. You would think that we are smart and powerful enough to stop these negative things. We can control all of them, but perhaps greed replaces human value? No wonder more and more people want to live in tree houses, tiny houses, bunkers, or off the grid.

All I have to compare with is how it use to be when I was growing up in the 80’s and 90’s. Now, in 2014, let me tell you…things have changed. Things have changed big time! Maybe my eyes are just open now? You might say if we look back further, to the days of the Roman Empire, things could be much worse. Very true! At least we are more civilized now. But maybe this slow desensitization is why we never have time to read a book, or learn something new, or spend time with the family, or get out in nature and enjoy the warmth of the sun. I find it fascinating to look from the outside in. Sure, technology and medicine have helped benefit our lives in many ways, but we can’t abuse it. I can see how it’s affecting our future and I’m aware of how it affects my life. Hopefully you will take another look and see for yourself how it might negatively affect your life and stop it while you can. Make time in your life for what’s truly important. Your art, your family, your health? Whatever it may be, make it a priority and do whatever you must to enjoy it every day of your life.