Virtual Mentors to Inspire Your Artistic Journey

Welcome back everyone, much love for all of the support! Happy Holidays!!
They say “birds of feather flock together”, but sometimes it’s not that easy to find others with similar interests. That’s why it’s a great idea to surround yourself with virtual friends, associates, or mentors that can fill the void. Thanks to the internet we can connect to people around the world and learn from masters that have already passed. If you want to continue to learn and be influenced by great minds, then you have to put yourself in their presence whenever you have the chance.
Make a top 20 list of people or artists that inspire you, then keep links to their work or videos in a browser bookmark. Keep books or albums of theirs organaized so you can find them quickly and easily. Hang their art around your living space. Reference their work often. They probably won’t be talking back and conversing with you, but you can still absorb everything they have to offer.
Painting by Pablo Picasso from the Rose Period.
My Top 20 List
To give you a better idea of what I mean, I will share with you the 20 mentors/influencers that have shaped me as the person I am today. They have inspired me and kept me on track. The links will lead you to the art I feel was most inspiring for me. Feel free to list any of your inspiring mentors below in the comments to share with others.
Not listed in any specific order.
Myron Barnstone (art instructor) Most inspiring: Drawing DVD series
Jeffrey Watts (art instructor) Most inspiring: “How to Train to become a successful working artist“
Henri Cartier-Bresson (photographer) Most inspiring: all photographs
Martin Parr (photographer) Most inspiring: all photographs
Annie Liebovitz (photographer) Most inspiring: all photographs
Leonardo da Vinci (inventor/painter) Most inspiring: all drawings
Peter Paul Rubens (painter) Most inspiring: all paintings
Peter Brueghel (painter) Most inspiring: all paintings
Toulouse Lautrec (painter) Most inspiring: all paintings
Pablo Picasso (painter) Most inspiring: blue period and rose period paintings
Bougureau (painter) Most inspiring: mythical paintings
Seth Godin (author) Most inspiring: “The Icarus Deception” audio book
Steven Pressfield (author) Most inspiring: “The War of Art” audio book
Steve Jobs (Apple CEO) Most inspiring: “Stanford Commencement Address“
Alan Watts (philosopher) Most inspiring: “What if Money Was No Object“
Simon Sinek (author) Most inspiring: “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” TED Talk
Stanley Kubrick (director) Most inspiring: “The Shining“
Mozart (musician) Most inspiring: “Requiem – Dies Irae“
Ludovico Einaudi (pianist) Most inspiring: “Divenire“
Aphex Twin (musician) Most inspiring: “Xtal“